
What's New in Version 2.0

Doomtrooperdb 2.0 has been released, here's a summary of what has changed from the previous version:

  • Full Application Framework Upgrade, this includes the migration from Jquery Mobile to the latest version of Bootstrap and the Php Framework version upgrade.
  • Card database normalization and card linking for official expansions, it is now possible to switch between different versions of the same card in different languages
  • Added rarity and artist informations on Card detail page
  • Search engine optimization, it is now possible to filter Cards using kewwords
  • Homemade expansions have been temporarily removed due to incomplete Cards data
  • New advanced search option for language filter


This new version of Doomtrooperdb addresses the following bugs:

  • Search filters conditions on Promo Cards is now working as expected
  • Fixed some cards image links that were missing (e.g. English version of Fay & Klaus)

Coming Soon

We are working to improve Doomtrooperdb and add new features to your favourite card database, here is a list of things we have in our roadmap:

  • Addition of homemade expansions: 5th Tribe, Armageddon, Corporate Wars, Dementia, Heresy, Ragnarok, Revival, Skull Seekers, Tribal Wars, Void, Worlds at War.
  • Support for misprint and Info Cards

Cards Database Status

These expansions are currently included within Doomtrooperdb: Doomtrooper, Inquisition, Warzone, Mortificator, Golgotha, Apocalypse, Paradise Lost and Promo.

You can check the Cards Database Status from the Sets page.

Leave Your Feedback

If you have any suggestion, feature request or want to contribute with scans/translations, you can leave your feedback with an email to